What's New In Gold Plating?

Professional Car Wash and Detailing Magazine Article

Detailers, go for the gold

Terry Darger has written an excellent article about automotive gold plating published by a trade industry publication.  Click here for our copy including the photographs. This article discusses many of the aspects of providing automotive gold plating in a professional automotive service industry environment.

GOLD ON Stainless Steel (TriVal gold)
We continuously get a lot of inquires about plating on stainless steel or chrome. Our new TriVal gold solution has been specifically designed to plate difficult surfaces such as stainless steel and chrome. Although we don't currently endorse gold-on-chrome as a substitute for the normal procedure of removing the chrome and plating gold onto the nickel, TriVal will plate gold directly onto activated chrome with good results. Keep an eye on our website for a promotion introducing TriVal to the rest of the world in the near future. You can request a customer's technical sheet for TriVal Brush Gold. Here are a few of the highlights. TriVal Brush Gold is a cobalt hardened, 24karat, potassium aurocyanide solution available as a liquid or gel. It is a fully complexed aurocyanide, therefore it can have a pH of less than 0. Because of the aggressive nature of the solution, it must be applied with a carbon anode or preferably a platinum plated titanium anode. This solution cannot be used with regular stainless anodes. We now have the platinized titanium anodes available.

Current projects that we are working on

This 13 step, 15 gallon immersion system was designed by Gold Plating Services and delivered to a manufacturing company in the Midwest.