Power Tower
ProLab cm

The ProLab cm Power Tower is the core of every process module. It ships with the Tower disassembled from the base and sets up in less than one minute. The Power Towers are all the same so they are interchangeable between processes. They contain all the wiring necessary to supply the operational power to the bus bar and the anode array. It also easily connects directly to the power supply or other modules, upstream or downstream, using the color-coded 60 amperes interconnect jumpers. The Power Tower also takes care of the solution temperature with a precision temperature controller that is easily set and monitored by the user. The temperature controller drives the heater through the Heater Outlet Port. The face of the Tower has a digital voltage display so the user can monitor the process voltage.
The ProLab cm Power Tower includes:
- Base + Tower containing all electronics for the module
- AC 110V Fahrenheit Digital Temperature Controller
- High-Quality Voltage Output Meter
- Solution Temperature Sensor
- Power Cord to connect to 120 V household current
- ProLab cm Titanium Buss Bar
- 8" - 60-ampere color-coded Interconnect Jumpers
- Black Common Lead with Alligator clip
Power towers are approximately 10" wide, 16" deep, and 20" tall.